Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the station data operations every 10 seconds.

Station system up for 41 days 18 hours
Station system free memory 2746/5943 MB (free/total)
This website uses Cumulus (1.9.4-b1099) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 40 days 20 hours ago.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Sun, 28-Apr-2024 1:17pm EDT
Cumulus realtime NOT Current 1292:50:54 > 0:00:15
Tue, 05-Mar-2024 3:26pm EST
Cumulus FTP NOT Current 1292:51:43 > 0:05:15
Tue, 05-Mar-2024 3:25pm EST
Cumulus weather data NOT Current 1292:52:01 > 0:05:15
Tue, 05-Mar-2024 3:25pm EST
Cumulus NOAA report NOT Current 1308:16:50 > 24:10:00
Tue, 05-Mar-2024 12:00am EST